Celebrating the Mother within

Celebrating the Mother within

Yesterday I was a panelist on the Gateway Women masterclass webinar about coping with Mothers day with Jody Day, Karin Enfield, Melanie Dagg and Sarah Lawrence. https://bit.ly/3qEBBAs We had a great conversation around what we do to manage the triggers that...

“I Survived!”

I’ve been on an emotionally difficult journey with my body over the past 2+ years so much so that there have been moments where I have found it hard to look at my reflection in the mirror. I struggled to see how my body could be beautifully, flawed, I struggled accept...

So you think you are Brave???

It’s been a while since I last posted and, in some ways’, I feel like I’ve been experiencing writer’s block. In reality I think I’ve just lacked a bit of inspiration coupled with ‘being busy with life’. A minor accident yesterday has relegated me to resting today so I...

My dance with Grief

I don’t know exactly when you walked into my life Maybe you were pushed or did someone drop you off. Maybe you were there all along and I just didn’t notice All I know is that you weren’t invited No letter, no call, no “Hello” I looked up one day and you were there...

Who Will See My Tears?

As most of you know I recently “crossed The Bridge” (a term for those of us who have attended The Bridge Retreat). One of the sessions on The Bridge was called ‘World Grief’ where we were encouraged to write, draw – essentially do...