I’m speaking at the Childless Collective Summit today! YES TODAY! My presentation is going live today at 8pm GMT where I’m talking all about the women of colour’s experience around infertility in my talk titled ‘Black Girls Do Cry’!

In my talk I will be talking about:

  1. Why black and Asian women do not talk about their fertility issues.
  2. The disparities in treatment that women of colour face by our medical professionals and
  3. My journey through my giref as a black childless woman.

If you haven’t grabbed your ticket to the summit yet, you can grab one here via this link. My presentation will be live for 24 hours and there are a lot of other amazing ones for you to check out.

Hope to see you there!

p.s. If you’re seeing this too late, you can grab an Extended Access Pass to get a full year of access to all the presentations!


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