
So I wasn’t that organised this year to send Christmas greetings and New Year messages (ok ok I still have a bit of time to write a New Years message but I won’t) so instead I decided to take some time to reflect on this past year. 2018 was HARD (sigh)!!!!...

My interview on Slam Radio

Some pictures of me hanging with Dee Natural and Gemi at Slam Radio last week. Dee invited me onto her show, Women’s hour – Inspire to Empower to share my experience of dealing with the grief of childlessness. Thanks Dee and Gemi for having me.  ...

My interview on BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour

Today has been a day that I would never have imagined happening. From that day in October 2014 when I heard the 2 words ‘unexplained infertility’ (from my Consultant), that turned my life upside down and sent me into a crazy spiral of grief, to today where...