Yesterday I was a panelist on the Gateway Women masterclass webinar about coping with Mothers day with Jody Day, Karin Enfield, Melanie Dagg and Sarah Lawrence.

We had a great conversation around what we do to manage the triggers that mother’s day can bring up for us from coming away from social media for the day to spending the day caring for ourselves. In the past I have sent cards to the childless women in my life who have been like a mum be me as I have wanted to honour and say thank you to what they have brought into my life. This year I decided to celebrate and honour the mother within. There are many ways to be a mum and the one way that we’ve missed is the way we look after and nurture of inner selves, our inner child. So with this in mind I ordered flowers to be delivered to me, with a card – you can’t receive flowers without a card. It was so wonderful to hear the door bell ring, to be handed the box and open it up to see a beautiful bunch of flowers just for me. They truly are beautiful and I get to celebrate me looking after me, my inner child is so happy right now.

So whatever you are doing today give yourself permission to put yourself first, come off social media, go for a walk, give yourself a massage, eat chocolates – basically do whatever makes you smile and celebrate your mother within

Happy Others Day to us all!!!