The Childless Collective Summit starts on Thursday! Will you be there?

If you haven’t already heard, the Childless Collective Summit starts on Thursday 18th March presenting 28 amazing speakers over 4 days. Each presentation is free to watch for 24 hrs & you can register here. If you join us live there’s also the opportunity to ask the speakers questions during their presentation.

It’s not too late to RSVP and join. Click the link here to get your FREE ticket.

Yes you heard me, this a totally free event with speakers who are ready to share their expertise, wisdom and experience with you. These speakers are coming together from all over the world to assure you that, while your life may not look the way you’d planned, it can still be filled with joy, love, meaning, and fulfillment.

As well as hearing from me you’ll also hear from some of my friends, including:

And a whole lot more!

Each presentation will be available to you free for 24 hours however if 24hrs isn’t long enough, or you’d like to take your time, you can also get a full year of access (along with other amazing bonuses) by grabbing an Extended Access Pass.

I really hope you’ll join me on Thursday 18th at 4pm (EST), 8pm (UK) talking about the black and Asian woman’s experience around infertility in my talk titled ‘Black Girls Do Cry’.

There are two options available for the Extended Access Pass.:

The Basic Access Pass that gives you access to audio and video recordings of the presentations for a full year, and access to Katy from Chasing Creation’s new workshop “Responding to Intrusive Questions and Unsolicited Advice”; or

The All-Access Pass that includes all of the above, plus transcripts of the presentations, tons of speaker-contributed bonuses and goodies, and exclusive episodes from some of your favorite podcasters!

If you have any questions at all about the summit or the Extended Access Passes, drop a comment or message me.

I look forward to seeing you there.