The Baby Shower

So I went to the baby shower and was grateful to be part of the celebrations. I did have a small griefy moment watching a couple of the pregnant ladies comparing their bumps and stories. Watching the joy on their faces as they shared their excitement of things to come...

An Interesting Read

I just thought that I’d share this article forwarded to me recently by a friend. It’s titled “100 Women 2016: Parents who regret having children”. You can read the article via the following link

The Invitation

On arrival at work I found a small envelope on my desk. I thought that it was a bit too early for a Christmas card but didn’t know what else to think. Nope the baby feet did not give it away…. Ok so you guessed right, it was an invite to a baby shower. For...

My Interview on Premier Gospel Radio

After reading my book, Dreaming of a Life Unlived, Esther Kuku contacted me to be a guest on her radio show The Family Hour at Premier Gospel radio. What joy!!! So on Saturday the 26th I travelled down to South London and had the pleasure of being interviewed by...

My interview with Marcia M

A few months ago I was invited by Marcia to appear on her on-line show ‘On The Couch with Marcia M’. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and was very thankful for the opportunity to share my story with a wider audience. So here it is… my interview...