After reading my book, Dreaming of a Life UnlivedEsther Kuku contacted me to be a guest on her radio show The Family Hour at Premier Gospel radio. What joy!!! So on Saturday the 26th I travelled down to South London and had the pleasure of being interviewed by Esther and Ibe Giantkiller on their show.

It’s always great being recognised for what I have accomplished, my book is my baby that was conceived with love and hope and I always cherish opportunities to get my and other women without childrens’ stories out their.

Being a Christian station I realised that their message would be to promote ‘hope’ with stories of women who had conceived their first child , in their mid to lateish forties, however I felt that it was important to show that women living without children also have hope and that we matter and are, to quote Jody Day, rocking the life unexpected.

So click here to listen to my interview.

Thanks again to Ibe and Esther for another great opportunity and making me feel so welcomed.

I hope you enjoy…

Premier Gospel radio, Ibe Giantkiller, Esther Kuku

Premier Gospel radio, Ibe Giantkiller, Esther Kuku

Premier Gospel radio, Ibe Giantkiller, Esther Kuku