On arrival at work I found a small envelope on my desk. I thought that it was a bit too early for a Christmas card but didn’t know what else to think. Nope the baby feet did not give it away….


Ok so you guessed right, it was an invite to a baby shower.


For a moment my heart ached and as quickly as the feeling came it left. I spoke to the invitee and thanked her for the invitation. As much as it brought up those sad feelings I was also touched that she had thought of me. I explained that I hoped to attend but wasn’t sure how I would feel on the day or how long I would be able to stay for as I still struggle with pregnant women and newborn babies. She was so kind and it was great to share that honest moment with her where she accepted and understood my journey. The most touching part was hearing her say that after everything I’d been through she felt that I deserved to be invited. Thinking about those words brings a tear to my eyes, honesty can bring such beautiful moments!!!