There have been a number of amazing moments on my (childless) journey and this weekend was no exception. After speaking at Melanie Stidolph’s solo exhibition promoting her photo book ‘Endless Reproduction’ last October I was invited back to Cornwall to support Melanie in co-facilitating a workshop after her call-out for women to take part in her new project ‘The next dawn, the next spring’. Melanie wanted to film a singing/ sound event at dusk and dawn at Newtrain bay where our singing would set off lights as part of the piece being made alongside the current exhibition ‘We Are Floating in Space’ at Newlyn Art Gallery & The Exchange to also be shared wider through galleries etc.

So, in March I was back in Cornwall, where I met a group of wonderful women who, mainly for the first time, had come together and openly shared their infertility stories. I admired each and every one of them for bravely saying yes to this project wanting to make the invisible, visible in such a unique and creative way.

I travelled back to Cornwall on Friday (I’ve now been there 3 times in the last 6 months) and met up with the group of 14 women at the YHA, Treyarnon Bay, Padstow to rehearse the songs (No limbs to bathe, Sleep well my darling and Endless Dreams) – such beautifully raw, warm and heartfelt lyrics – written by Claire Ingleheart after some workshops that had previously taken place.

We rehearsed, ate homemade chilly, got changed into the dresses Victoria and her mum, Pam, created for us then made our way to the rockpool at Newtrain bay, Trevone in time to start singing from 7pm until dusk (at 8.15pm) returning to the bay for 5am the following morning, yes you heard me, we were back at 5am on Sunday morning and filmed until 7.30am.

The atmosphere was a mix of excitement, joy and sadness as we sang to the sea being reminded through the lyrics of how much our hearts ached to see our unborn children, the sounds of our harmonised voices being carried on the crashing waves and whispered on unborn ears. There were tears, laughter, holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes as we stood in silence to witness the memories that will remain in our hearts. Thanks to Melanie we will leave a legacy that will touch the hearts of others as our voices, our stories become transfixed in time.

This film wouldn’t be possible without the crew (some of whom are parents) who also wanted to see Melanie’s project come to life. I thank; Rachel Clear Burton – Production Assistant,  Rachael Jones – Camera, Alban Roinard – Drone Camera , Neil Rose – Sound (who complimented my voice), Neal Megaw – Lighting and Fran Rowse – Stills photography, for being so amazingly sensitive and supportive ensuring that we were watered, fed and kept warm.

Thank you to such an amazing team, thanks to the women who bravely wanted to be seen and heard, thanks to Claire for creating the songs from the words in our hearts and thanks to Melanie for her thinking this in the first place. I felt so honoured to get this opportunity to be a part of and witness something so special.

I’ll keep you posted with how Melanie’s project develops.

Peace and Joy