My weekend in the spot light…

So I am now sitting here reflecting on my busy weekend. It started last Friday when I went up to Birmingham to film an interview for On the couch TV with Marcia M Spence. Check me out at around 32 seconds. I am looking forward to seeing the final cut. I will post more...

My Interview for the Luton News

It was a surprise  and a pleasure to be contacted by the Luton News newspaper post the publication of my book. My (our) story is finding it’s voice. You can read the full interview...

Unwanted Advice

Last week I received a message via FB that read “Congratulations on your book. My advice is to take a career break, for 1 year and keep trying.” My initial thought was to ask ‘keep trying for what?’ then it dawned on me what she was saying....

Fertility Fest 2016

Thanks to an invite from Jody Day I had the opportunity to attend Fertility Fest in London. It was the first time that I have come across such an event which took me on an emotional journey. The first talk I attended was named the ‘The Infertility...