So I am now sitting here reflecting on my busy weekend. It started last Friday when I went up to Birmingham to film an interview for On the couch TV with Marcia M Spence. Check me out at around 32 seconds. I am looking forward to seeing the final cut. I will post more details when they are available.

On Saturday I was interviewed by Jody Day. As you know Jody has been such an integral part of my journey and without her none of this would have been possible. I have watched some of the interviews that Jody has done in the past starting with her interview with Karen Malone Wright from As a black women it was great to see Karen talking about her childless status, somewhat of a taboo in many cultures. I also enjoyed Jody’s interview with Lisa Manterfield of, I just loved reading Lisa’s book ‘I’m taking my eggs and going home’. To now be part of this crowd feels like such an honour. Thanks Jody!

My weekend ended with an interview on the Edward Adoo show on BBC Three Counties radio. I was surprised to receive a call last Thursday from one of the producers of the show who, after reading my interview in the Luton News called to invite me on the show. So I arrived for 8pm and nervously waited for my slot.


BBC 3CR interview

Edward and his team helped me to feel at ease and were very grateful that I was able to share my story on their show. It was a wonderful  and humbling experience and one that I hope will touch many of their listeners.


BBC 3CR interview with Edward Adoo


BBC 3CR interview

If you missed it you can listen to my interview via this link