Best Speaker

I gave a planned speech titled ‘The other side of motherhood’ recently at my local Toastmasters club which saw me crowned as best speaker of the night. I choose to talk about the things I hate to hear (from others) as a childless women and on...

BME Reignite Weekend April 2018

So I have completed my training with Jody and am on the road to running my own reignite workshops, the first one being in London on the 28th and 29th April 2018. I am both excited and scared but what an honour to be a part of this journey. Here’s to the next...

My Legacy

I listened to a training exercise by Jody Day recently where she talked about the difficulties that childless women face when it comes to finding meaning in our lives as we do not have children to share our wisdom with or pass down our belongs to. I know that for me,...