Fertility Fest 13 May 2018

I am loving being on this journey. It is giving me the opportunity to explore different parts of me through different experiences and through other peoples eyes. So as much as I would not have considered myself as an expert this is a new persona that I get to...

My interview on Slam Radio

Some pictures of me hanging with Dee Natural and Gemi at Slam Radio last week. Dee invited me onto her show, Women’s hour – Inspire to Empower to share my experience of dealing with the grief of childlessness. Thanks Dee and Gemi for having me.  ...

My interview on BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour

Today has been a day that I would never have imagined happening. From that day in October 2014 when I heard the 2 words ‘unexplained infertility’ (from my Consultant), that turned my life upside down and sent me into a crazy spiral of grief, to today where...