Yesterday I attended the first event of Fertility Fest where Jessica Hepburn launched her book ’21 Miles: Swimming in search of the meaning of motherhood’.


The evening was chaired by presenter and writer Janet Ellis, who lead a fantastic interview with Jessica detailing her experience of 11 unsuccessful rounds of IVF, self discovery, swimming the English Channel and the wonderful women she meet along the way. It was a pleasure to sit in the audience and listen to Jessica’s emotional and inspirational story as well as hearing from some of the other women who contributed to the book. Every word, every story shared on that stage spoke, in some way, to every person in that room. What a legacy!!!

Thinking back on my own journey I still have to pinch myself at the realisation of how far I have come myself let alone the fact that I will be taking part in the festival too. I will keep you updated with fertility fest but for now I’ll leave you with these 3 quotes from the evening…

“…The awful things in life can be the things that can be the exciting part of the experience…”

“…if you can’t have it then go out into the world and ask what can I have?…”

“…if you don’t take a step forward you won’t change the world…”