“I Survived!”

I’ve been on an emotionally difficult journey with my body over the past 2+ years so much so that there have been moments where I have found it hard to look at my reflection in the mirror. I struggled to see how my body could be beautifully, flawed, I struggled accept...

Meet Bell Hooks: Black History Month 2020

So I was browsing through Jody’s Childless and Childfree women role models hall of fame and came across Bell Hooks. #NomoRoleModel #BlackHistoryMonth Bell Hooks (1952-) is an American author, feminist, and social activist. Her writing has focused on the...

Storyhouse CHILDLESS on Sun 10 November

Jody Day and I will be at the Storyhouse in Chester on Sunday 10 November. Jody is the keynote speaker at the opening and will also chairing the wrap-up panel at the end where I will speak about my experience of involuntary childlessness for black women and women of...