I guess it will always be there!!!

So I am at an event wondering if I should share that I am hosting a party for my books’ first year anniversary. Even after all this time I still feel apprehensive about inviting people into my world, especially women who are mothers. But I took a step and...

The appointment

So I’m sitting in front of the gyne consultant having yet another appointment that I could do without.  “Do you have children” she asks. My answer is “No”. “Are you sexually active” she asks, ummm now she has my...

The awkward moment…

So I was enjoying an evening meal with some female friends when the young waiter come over to our table and asked if we are all mothers. When asked why the waiter informed us that we should see the film ‘Boss Baby’ a film, as he put it, that mothers will...

Ted Talk Hull

On Friday the 31st March I attending a live Ted Talk event in Hull. OMG I was so excited esp as I’ve watch a few Ted talks on YouTube and most importantly because Jody Day was giving her very first talk. And I was there to experience it!!!  The event was...