The Power of Vulnerability Q&A

I’m sitting under my hairdryer catching up on some reading and cam across a blog post from Jody Day (Gateway Women) from day 1 of the world childless week 2017 titled From Isolation to...
The painful text

The painful text

I received a message recently from a close friend who wanted to let me know that his girlfriend is pregnant. Knowing how much the pregnancy means to them I let them know how happy I was to hear their news. As we continued to message each other I was reminded of a...

Anniversary Party Pictures

I am so happy and proud that I have come this far with my story but none of it would have been possible without the love and support of others. Helen Tucker believed in me from the beginning. When she heard my story she did everything she could to see my book become a...

The power of honesty

Writing my story has been probably the most empowering experience I have encountered. I remember being so scared of the prospect of everyone knowing the real me that I nearly ran away from it all. But I am so glad that meet the wonderful women that Gateway Women...

My Book Anniversary talk

I can’t believe it’s been 1 week since my anniversary party. It was such a moving day and if you couldn’t make it I’d like to share a small part of it with...