Race and Reproduction

I’m so proud to be taking part in this year’s Fertility Fest talk on Race and Reproduction Wednesday 1st May 2pm – 5pm

My ‘Big Fat Negative’ Interview

Over a week ago I went over to West London to meet Emma Haslett from the Big Fat Negative podcast. I am always surprised and excited when someone contacts me and invites me onto their platform. Emma came across my blog and just had to get in touch and I am so glad...

Fertility Fest Press Launch

So today was the official launch of Fertility Fest 2019 at the Barbican Centre, London and once again I get to take part in this wonderful event. As ever I feel privileged to be invited to speak on this platform and share my experience as a Women of Colour where I...


So I wasn’t that organised this year to send Christmas greetings and New Year messages (ok ok I still have a bit of time to write a New Years message but I won’t) so instead I decided to take some time to reflect on this past year. 2018 was HARD (sigh)!!!!...