Back in 2020 I received an email from Anita Pati who, after being introduced to each other by Jody Day on a train ride home, contacted me as she was putting together a sequence of poetry based on women’s experience of infertility and non-motherhood and asked if I’d be interested in contributing to her book. Now you already know that I said yes. Anita mentioned that she had a child after complications and treatments, however, a big part of her is still in the space of not having children as she was there for so long. Anita has been writing poems for the last 10 years and in September 2020 her debut poetry pamphlet was published;

Anita intended the project, which will explore infertility/difficult journeys to motherhood and non-motherhood, to be published within a wider poetry book within the next couple of years. Anita told me that she had a difficult path to motherhood and felt that she wanted these perspectives to be better understood by the public where the interviews will be made into poems, so re-imagined creatively and will also be anonymous.

So today I’m happy to announce the release of Anita’s book ‘Hiding to Nothing’. I was so happy to receive my copy in the post, after all this time, and am so excited to sit down and read through Anita’s creation, I wonder if I will recognise myself within the poems.

I love that I am colour coordinated with the book

You can order your copy via, Amazon and