Free, live and recorded, the GW Masterclass takes place on Zoom on Saturday 5th March, 2022 at 8am PST, 9am MST, 10am CST, 11am EST, 6pm GMT, 7pm CET. Neither your face nor your voice will be visible nor will form part of the recording, but you can ask questions. To attend live and/or receive a copy of the recording afterwards, please click here. 

Continuing with the theme of disenfranchised voices, this Saturday Gateway Women is very proud to host what we believe is the first Women of Colour centred discussion on the intersection of race and childlessness. It is hosted by Yvonne John and Sophia Andeh, both of whom are licensed Gateway Women Reignite Weekend facilitators. In their own words: 

Historically, for women of colour, shame in telling our stories has prevented us from healing from the trauma of the racism and oppression we’ve experienced.  In parallel, being childless not by choice or by circumstance can lead to feelings of shame, and add not only to isolation and exclusion from wider mainstream society, but also from within our own communities and cultures. 

Join me, Yvonne John, author of Dreaming of the Life Unlived: Intimate Stories and Portraits of Women Without Children activist and Licensed Gateway Women Reignite Weekend Facilitator, and Sophia Andeh, an award-winning childless coach and also a Licensed Gateway Women Reignite Weekend Facilitator, for this free GW Masterclass. In it, Yvonne and Sophia will share their personal experience and discuss what they have found helpful with navigating the sense of not belonging that can be caused by the intersectionality of race and childlessness.

This public event is open to all, whatever your background, who wish to learn from these experiences; to those of you who are open to being challenged, and to those of you wanting to change the narrative around the race conversation.

Free, live and recorded, the GW Masterclass takes place on Zoom on Saturday 5th March, 2022 at 8am PST, 9am MST, 10am CST, 11am EST, 6pm GMT, 7pm CET. Neither your face nor your voice will be visible nor will form part of the recording, but you can ask questions. To attend live and/or receive a copy of the recording afterwards, please click here. 
#dreamingofalifeunlived #gatewaywomen #womenofcolour #dealingwithgrief #livingwithoutchildren