A few months ago I was asked if I’d take part in Chester’s Story House Literature book review session about Childlessness in Literature. Well you know me enough to know that I said yes. The session was to be chaired by Dr Dawn Llewellyn, with Andy Harrod – a PhD geography researcher, a person-centred psychotherapist, and a writer, including the collection, tearing at thoughts. Andy curates (In)visible childless, an online gallery for the creative expression of being childless not by choice, and is part of The Clan of Brothers, a support group for childless not by choice men. Kirstie Higgins – the Chester GW Gathering host who is Living the ups & downs of the life unexpected being thankful for company of GW tribe and me (well you know who I am) as panellist. We were each asked to review a book that helped or inspired us on our childless journey’s. I was torn between 21 Miles by Jessica Hepburn and I’m taking my eggs and going home by Lisa Manterfield, both of which I read a few years ago. I’m taking my eggs helped me at the start of my childless journey, giving me an insight into Lisa’s world of navigating her way through her fertility experience whilst helping me to be more readily open to my own story. 21 miles being Jessica’s second book is about Jessica’s search for the meaning after 11 rounds of unsuccessful IVF besides there is a lot of reference to eating cake so I was hooked. I settled on reviewing 21 Miles. Kirstie reviewed Jody Day’s Living the Life Unexpected and Andy reviewed the Lord of the Rings; Hollow King, stressing the absence of childless men in fiction and non-fiction.

After meeting to discuss the session we were set. Then with less than a week to go Dawn emailed with the news that she had Covid and had to self-isolate. I didn’t know that this now meant for our literature review session, wondering if it was going to be cancelled. Dawn then asked if I would step in an facilitate the panel review session. I sent number of different emoji’s (none of them were complementary) before agreeing to do it. What a challenge!!!


Andy, Kristie and I meet for dinner on the Monday prior to our session, I thought we were on for an hour, Kirstie told me that our session was scheduled for 1.5hours, I was now trying to stop myself from going into panic mode (time to remember those relaxing mediation sessions), let’s face it we were 30 mins away from starting so there wasn’t much I could do about it at this stage….

Anyway I have to say I really enjoyed working with Kirstie and Andy, they really helped me to work through our book reviews with ease. I opened the session with a quote, introduced the panellists and we got into our books, what they meant to us and how they helped us on our childless journeys. What an evening. It was insightful and engaging including a Q&A with the audience. At the beginning I worried that I wouldn’t be able to fill 30 minutes, in the end I drew the session to a close after 2 hours. What a night. I felt so privileged to have been asked to take part in this festival and equally as privileged to have led the session with Kirstie and Andy by my side. Definitely one for my happiness journal!!!

PS I also have to give thanks to Jtaphrique for my beautiful dress