Dreaming of a Life Unlived is 5 years old today!

5 years ago, today my baby was born. Dreaming of a life Unlived came to life on the 26 July 2016 and it’s been such a joy to watch her grow and touch those who have got to know the stories within the pages of my book.

“What a journey we’ve had”

If you had asked me where I would be in 5 years’ time, at the beginning of my childless not by choice journey, or even what I imaged would happen as a result of writing my book I am not sure what I would have said although I know it would not have looked anything like where I am today. What I can say is that I am so grateful for all the love and support that I have received over the years. Through the tears there has been joy, through the laughter growth. This is definitely a journey that I have been so grateful to have experienced.