I don’t know exactly when you walked into my life

Maybe you were pushed or did someone drop you off. Maybe you were there all along and I just didn’t notice

All I know is that you weren’t invited

No letter, no call, no “Hello”

I looked up one day and you were there

But for how long?

Who Knows?

It’s funny to know that you were there all along

Silently present, guiding me, waiting for me to notice you

Waiting for me to hear your voice

Waiting for me to feel your touch

I hated your touch, it was cold, distant, unwanted

Somehow you entered through closed doors

Inviting yourself in like an intruder seeking revenge 

You sat down, I got up

We danced

Your led, led me to that dark place, into the deep

I could see clearly despite the absence of light

Dark, alone I could suddenly hear

I heard my heart beating out of tune

I heard you say “I am here and will never leave you”

“I know” I replied

Then I took your hand as we danced

It was awkward at first, stepping on each other’s toes not knowing which way to go

We danced, you held me close

You whispered in my ear, I succumbed to you

We danced until we became one beat

I succumbed as my tears flowed to the beat of our dance