Thanks to an invitation from Kate Brian I was on the panel at the Fertility Forum at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in London yesterday. The event was attended by professionals and the general public with topics that covered a range of fertility issues/ information.

I was on the session titled ‘Living without children’ with Kelly Da Silva (The Dove Cote), Lesley Pyne, Jody Day hosted by Jessica Hepburn – YES pressure, sharing a stage with Jody and Jessica!!!!

My short talk was on the WoC experience and as per usual I was worried about what I had prepared. It can be daunting when you are being provocative so I was surprised to receive an applause after I spoke as well as the warm comments after the session. I am truly looking forward to catching up with the new contacts I made yesterday.

I will be extending my run of controversy in my talk for Fertility Fight Club. If you want to hear more join me there…