One aspect of my grief that I have found difficult to deal with is that I will not be giving my parents the grandchildren that they dreamed of. For as long as I can remember my dad had been asking me when was I going to get married and have children. At that time I felt that I had a life of adventures ahead of me and all the time in the world, it never occurred to me that this dream would not be a reality. I now watch my parents enjoy a life with my nieces and nephews wishing that I could have shared that life with them too.

So I am working on forgiving myself for past decisions and walking towards my plan B. During my journey I came across some jewellery from my dad and my aunty that I had kept in the hope of passing them onto my daughter, the daughter that I had named, the daughter who I longed to see in person one day, a daughter who is now a dream deferred…

living with grief