After receiving the exciting news that I will be photographing Terry McMillan early next year as Women Talk’s official event photographer I was also honoured to be told that Women Talk are going to back my book and would like to get the book published to be launched for International Women’s day March 2016, Ahhhhhh!!!!. So I am reaching out for your help.

For those of you who do not know I have been attending the Gateway Women plan B mentorship program which has been instrumental in helping me to deal with my grief in more ways than I could have hoped for. One of the daunting aspects for many women coming to terms with living without children is not knowing where we fit in, along with the prospect of growing old without having anyone to look after us. I found myself lost, wandering what am I supposed to do now???  As part of the mentorship program we are supporting each other in finding and working towards our plan Bs.

As a photographer, with a full time job in the NHS, my plan B is to publish a book telling our stories, detailing how difficult it is to be here with the realisation that we will not become, natural, mothers and will not have families of our own. I want people on the outside to understand our experiences on this journey and to understand that we are not looking for them to ‘fix’ us with their solutions of adoption and IVF. So I need your help. I am looking for women who would like to share their stories, the tears and the joys of your experiences on this roller-coaster ride. Names will be changed to keep your anonymity.

I’d like to start by asking 2 questions;

1. How was it for you when you realised  you definitely would’t be having children?’ 

2. what would you love (or would have loved) to hear from family/ friends when you shared that you could not have children? and if you’ve not shared what would you want to hear?

I would also love to hear from your partners too if they’d be happy to be a part of this project.

Here are some pictures I’ve started taking for my book. It would be great to have some feedback.

finding my plan B

living without children

living without children

finding my plan B

At the park where she grew up playing and planned to take her own children

finding my plan B finding my plan B

From my 3 years of trying to conceive

finding my plan B

The jewellery I would have given to my daughter 

finding my plan B

The top tier of our wedding cake, frozen for the christening of our first child

finding my plan B

Saying goodbye

I would like to use extracts of your stories with the images and would love to hear more ideas of pictures that I could take.

I am looking forward to hearing from you
