I listened to Linda Malm’s interview with Jody Day today where Jody said that “…You cannot serve from an empty heart…” This really resonated with me. It had me reflecting on the Phenomenal book tour that I took part in this weekend. The 22nd was such a great day where I meet some inspirational people. I still can’t believe that I am considered as one of them, what an honour to share their stage.

The journey that I have been on since joining Gateway Women has been so rewarding and all because of I was allowed to be honest. This honesty has allowed me to heal from my past and deal with the grief of both my past and my present. Without this I do not know where I would be today.

One of the most rewarding aspects of yesterday was meeting women who have too been silenced by their childlessness where one women who said the words “I am childless’ for the first time after she heard my talk. Watching her free herself of the ‘shame’ of being childless filled me with so much pride and reminded me of how far I have come on my own journey.

Thank you to everyone who have supported me on this road and  I look forward to what tomorrow brings!!!

Click here (and scroll down) to listen to my talk.